Times are looking pretty tough this summer and I'm afraid that I will have to disconnect my basic cable package. I don't know what I'm going to do because television is a major part of my life. In this city you can't get by on bunny ears for your TV and I think it's bull. In any other city you can plug in your TV and hook up an antennae from Radio Shack, and you've got network channels and Fox. But in San Diego you have to be rich if you want to catch an episode of the Simpsons.
A few years ago you could get a few channels with the bunny ears antennae but then the whole signal conversion thing happened and now you need a converter box if you don't have cable. Will this mysterious converter box even work? The basic channels are so hard to get in this city I'm afraid the whole thing will be a waste of time and money. Many people have decided to circumvent the whole problem by disconnecting their cable service and using their internet connection to watch television programs. It's a good idea but I just want to be able to sit down and turn on the TV and watch crap without having to think about it. Is that such a tall order? Remember the beginning of Married With Children? He put one hand on his lap and the other one on his remote and he was in business, that's what I want. So if your listening Jerry Brown would you please get right on that?