I am so sick of these fantasy investment schemes. A millionaire came up with some great way to offer people an obscure service that involves people bothering me and asking for money at work, at Subway, and at home. No matter where I go somebody is there trying to get me to invest in some bullcrap opportunity that involves going to a seminar and paying money into a system that involves residual income. The last time one of these would-be scammers approached me while I was trying to order a spicy italian I decided to see what the heck all this pyramid stuff was all about. So I asked her what part I would play in the system and she wouldn’t tell me what the work entailed. Instead she told me to go to call a recorded message that would tell me what it was all about. The message wouldn’t explicitly state it either. The recorded voice told me to go to a website for further information, and at this point I had to ask myself how badly I wanted to be scammed. I talked it over with my girlfriend who was shocked because she thought that I was smarter than that. That helped me get a hold on reality. It made me realize that I was entertaining this fantasy pyramid scheme out of economic desperation. As a community college adjunct instructor my revenue stream is constantly in question, and when I get totally stressed out from it I am forced to consider anything. Thank god I have a good woman to tell me when I’m being a fool.
The other day I was thinking about starting a pyramid scheme of my own. I would come up with an extravagant economic opportunity, develop a social following committed to the project, then I would ask every member of the organization to slap themself in the face for being such a gullible moron.