Monday, February 14, 2011
Motorcycles in the Morning
Give it a rest! There is a guy who revs his motorcycle every morning around 8:00 in the morning and I am over it. In fact I'm over motorcycles all together. Who is the jerk that decided they should be so loud? Is it the same guy who decided that motorcylce jackets needed to look so stupid? I heard that a motorcycle doesn't necessarily have to be so loud, and the riders decide to to outfit their hogs with noisey exhausts for the thrill of it. If that is true then motorcycle riders are no better than the geniuses who put the whistle tips on the ends of their car mufflers. Remember the whistle tips, they made a screaming bottle rocket noise as driver would speed away. I know that I may have just alienated members of the motorcycle riding public, but I can live with that. With the exception of Dave Curington, everybody I know who rides a motorcycle is a complete sack of #$@! anyway.