Fix Lake Murray Already
Anybody who has gone to Lake Murray knows what I’m talking about. Me and Frida (my dog) were out at Lake Murray yesterday and it just sucks that the path does not go all the way around. There is some kind of stupid construction or something that blocks the loop and makes it so you have to turn around and go back the way you came. After about 40 minutes of walking it would be nice if a person could be almost done with the route, but no, you will have to double back and retrace your same boring steps to get home. When I used to run the lake it sucked even more. By the time I got to the end I was about out of juice and always felt like I was stranded or something with an end in sight but out of reach. If they don’t want to connect the loop, maybe the city could just put in a freaking water fountain somewhere in the second half of the trail so the long walk back could be less miserable. Over on the edge of San Diego proper on the border of La Mesa lake Murray is all we’ve got. Its our own ghetto water feature that makes us feel like we’re not losers for never getting out to the beach. So if it was just a little less crappy all of our lives could really get a lot better. Hook it up urban parks and recreation. Finish the job on this public trail so that my fat ass can get some exercise without hating life the whole time.