Some mornings I hop on the trolley and there is plenty of room to sit with individual seats spaced out within the car. But other days I get on and the inside of the car looks like this.
I am not interested in the way these bench seats look, but I've got big problems with the way they are arranged. They are too close together for seats that are facing eachother. When the trolley car fills up, passengers sitting across from each other are put in the awkward position of trying to figure out where the heck they are supposed to put their feet. There is so little space that riders are forced to put their feet in between someone else's legs when the car is full. And some times it is just too early in the morning for me to deal with that crap. I am not European or Middle Eastern, I need my personal space. This is America, the land where nobody wants a stranger getting too close to them. What did the fare increase pay for anyway? Finish the job San Diego mass transit system. Why do some mornings have to be great while others are crummy because some old guy's dentures fell out and nearly fell in my lap because I was sitting so dang close to him. It's 2011, I thought the trolley would have at least evolved into some sort of light rail or bullet train by now. But instead, half of the trolley cars in San Diego have worse accommodations than a children's school bus from 1988.