I asked a coworker what she'd been up to over the weekend and she said "Just keep'n it real."
My response was "I doubt it."
I think there is more flaking out in San Diego than any where else. This is the land of "Oh yeah, I'll help you out" and then a day later it's "Oh sorry, I forgot/was busy." I have been able to avoid being a part of this flake epidemic by just saying no. I do not front on doing things that I am not going to do. Like when people ask me to go to plays I just tell them no instead of saying what they want to hear to get their hopes up. I think it's better to be honest and crush someone's dream immediately instead of pulling the rug out from under them at the last minute.
Just say no when you don't really want to do something. It might be tough when you are first confronted, but later you won't have to look like a total d-bag when it comes time to pay the piper.