Monday, April 4, 2011
Take back your email account!
A few months ago my hotmail account was hijacked. It was awful. Every one of my contacts, professional and otherwise, was sent spam via an email from my account. And I'm not totally sure, but I think it was some sort of male enhancement thing. It completely sucked. I even sent out an apology email to everyone on my contacts list. I was able to rescue my account by changing my password. I recommend that those of you who continue to be used and abused by these parasites do the same. I know it's still happening because I am still getting spam emails from some of my old contacts. When someone gets one of these "enhancement" emails it makes the unwhitting sender look like such a doofus. They know you don't endorse the product, but you are still an idiot for being preyed upon. And they may even come to hate you if they accidentally open one of your loaded emails, because now they are going to look like an idiot and, in a way, it is your fault.