If you are listening to rap music on your headphones do you really need to rap along with the song? I thought the whole point of headphones was that I didn't have to hear it. And why is it whenever somebody walks by me and they are rapping along with the song its alway at the part where the rapper goes f!@# you b%$#. I feel like rap music today is giving me self esteem issues. But I guess it could be worse, some fool on his ipod could be yelling out rock lyrics, but we all know that would never happen because rock music today is so horrible that nobody would even try to say that bullcrap in public.
That's right, I started off complaining about rap music but the real complaint is modern rock. All you contemporary modern rockers are lame and you know it. Do your part to help stop noise pollution, just pack it up along with all your crappy Wilco CDs too. Oh, and for all my friends who have their own rock bands right now, this definitely applies to you.