Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm over crossing the border for medicine

Refilling an asthma inhaler prescription in the U.S. costs $40 and I'm not made of money. The same medicine in Tijuana costs 6 or 7 dollars. The tacos are delicious but the border line is a bitch. I used to get churros while waiting in the line, but the last few times the vendors sold me cold ones, which sucked. The worst part is that during the whole wait I have to wonder if the the border patrol agent is going to give me the third degree on the way back into the U.S. "Empty your pockets, Is that all you were doing in Mexico?, Where do you live in San Diego?" Every time I'm pretty sure I'll make it back no problem, it's not like I'm smuggling in oxycodon taped to my leg or anything, but the possibility of getting stuck in Mexico is always a little scary.
The other part of the line that really gets my goat are the cutters. No cuts no butts no coconuts man, that is for real. When the old decrepit people breeze by me I've got no problem, but when some shady looking able-bodied American strolls by and blatantly cuts in front of some diminutive person it just seems so rude. One time I heard a guy complaining to his girlfriend about it as they waited behind me. He asked why that guy had to cut and she said that maybe he had an emergency or something. the man responded, "Well I've got got an emergency too, its not wanting to wait in this f-ing line all day!" I couldn't help laughing even if it let them know I was eavesdropping. Last time I was in that line it was so long that I wanted to cry, it went around the corner by the empty lots and doubled back on itself. I was so bummed that I decided to be one of those shady American jerks. But I was different, I found a nice looking woman and asked her politely if she minded me cutting in front of her. This may have been rude to the 600 people behind her, but at least I gave her the courtesy of having the chance to say no. I know I wouldn't mind letting a person cut in front of me if they asked nicely. So next time you cross the street and step off the footbridge to get in line, don't just step into line like a jerk, ask the person standing there if they mind. They will probably let you in and then you won't have to feel like a total piece of !@#$ for the next 20-45 minutes while you are waiting there in front of them.