Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm over the Gaslamp District

Every bar in this phony district is either super classy with a cover or it is super nasty with bums and their bundles under the tables. This economic dichotomy(look it up) is crap. I don't have $10 to spend on a cover and I don't want to hang out with bummy Joe for free either. I remember going out there for a friend's birthday and nobody wanted to pay a cover. So we walked up Broadway until we got to some bar that had a cocktails sign in the window. My friend told me that he will never forget that night because it was the worst bar he's ever been to. I think it was the same bar shown in the movie Traffic when the cops go to find some bad guy in a scummy dive bar. I guess next time we'll just pay the $5 to go hang at The Star Bar. It ain't The Ritz, but at least the $5 cover will weed out the hobos.