So I was just at Vons today and I'm not down with their program. I usually don't have much to say about grocery stores, but this place gave me too much material to pass up.
Where do I start?
Their selection is weak. They don't have alot of generic products and their Vons brand isn't really Vons brand. It's some weird pseudo-health food line named Eating Right. I'm scared of health food brands because of they often taste nasty. They have a pretty solid meat selection, but what store doesn't these days? Also they recently got a Starbucks in the store, and I'm thinking big freaking deal, like we need another Starbucks in San Diego.
Bathroom Facility:
Now that I'm getting on in years I can't always hold it. To be honest I didn't even know that all grocery stores had bathrooms until recently, but now that I do know it I am sure to take advantage whenever I can. A couple of months ago I walked in to their restroom with a bad stomach and was quite pissed to find that their toilet was without a seat. Just a porcelain bowl with holes where the seat should have been screwed in. When I saw what I had to work with I was mad as hell. In fact I'm still angry about that right now.
I've got mad squabbles with their checkout service. whenever I go there are about two cashiers max working the checkout. This is total crap because I've got a life to go live somewhere else besides this crummy line. And Vons is the last major store that hasn't adopted the automated self-checkout system. Maybe if they ditched the stupid Starbucks there would be room for more checkout stands and I could get out of this crappy store in a decent amount of time.