I don't want to see Thor or Captain America. And the green lantern is Van Wilder from all those national lampoons funny-guy college movies. It turns out comics were better when they were just a nerdy thing that me and my nerd friends would read by ourselves. Now I go to the theater and am ashamed to have followed a charcter who ended up being so stupid on the big screen. The first Hulk movie was so bad that they didn't reference it at all in the sequel. The first Superman movie sucked so hard that they still haven't come up with a sequel like 8 years later. Spiderman 2 was unwatchable and the night club scene in Spiderman 3 was so horrible that I don't even know what to say about it. And let's not forget Daredevil and Electra, two of the worst movies ever made.
Now that the bigtime movie producers have so brutally damaged the coolness of my favorite characters, I feel like something has been taken from me. I can't imagine Spiderman as a cool guy because Toby Maguire portrayed him as such doucher. And Daredevil will never be able to come back after Ben Affleck made him out to be the boringest loser I have ever seen in a movie. And if anyone else talks about how they can't wait to see Thor because it was their favorite comic I'm going to lose it. Nobody ever read Thor because his comic was lame, same goes for Captain America.
Get your own stories hollywood, stop ruining the characters that I used to know and love. Go make a movie that isn't about a story that was better the first time around.
Isn't it about time to do a sequel to Avatar anyway, that Box Office smash hit where the main character goes around sodomizing alien animals in the ear with his pony tail genitalia the whole time.