Saturday, May 7, 2011

Timing is Everything

Don't you hate it when somebody says something crappy to you and you don't have anything good to say back to them. And then, like 3 hours later, you think of it and realize you should have said something like "No sir, you're the one who's a jerk!"

The other day I was in one of those situations and I was fortunate enough to come up with something, but it only made it worse. I was crossing the street at the crosswalk and a group of 4 people were crossing at the same time from the other side of the street. The problem was they were walking in close row next to each other. I didn't want to walk around the row and I saw a little space between person number 2 and person number 3, so I went for it. It seemed alright until person number 2 turned around and yelled, "You could have said excuse me!" Now here was my moment, I turned around and immediately responded with "You could have said the same thing to me!"

Clever, right? Not really. Now the guy has turned around, is yelling up a storm and motioning with his hands and talking to persons 1,3 and 4. And as soon as I got across the street a guy pulled up to the gas station on my side of 70th and told me that he saw the whole thing and even heard the other people talking about beating me up. He waited in his car for the other group to keep walking and said that he had my back if things escalated. I thanked him and waited for him to leave, wondering what the !@#$ I just got myself into. Now I'm thinking that I should have just apologized to this number 2 piece of crap so that I don't have to worry about showing up to work with a black eye. So I got the snappy comeback logged in on the books, but it wasn't really worth it. But at least I didn't have one of those lame moments two hours later where I thought to myself, I should have said "You are very inconsiderate of other pedestrians in the crosswalk rude guy number 2!"