A couple of weeks ago I filed for unemployment benefits and it is a pain in the ass. There are all these forms, I have to register with multiple California government agencies, the paperwork is hard to decipher, and I have to make notes on every place where I have applied for work. And don't even get me started on what a pain it is to get the last 18 months of financial records from the HR office at both of my part time jobs.
And after all this I still haven't received a check yet. And because the paperwork is so confusing I'm not even sure if I will be receivig a check. But I haven't given up on the dream yet. An old neighbor of mine told me that someone on unemployment qualifies for food stamps or WIC or whatever it is, and if this is really true I will take a trip down to the family services office in my neighborhood. If I am able to sift through all the proper administrative details I might be able to find a way to get some actual government cheese. I feel that if I can manage to actually get a free block of natural cheddat cheese in my hands, then this whole experience will have been worth it.